Thanks Kinshi and Himanshu.....comments are catalysts...especially to a new blogger..:)
Was going through outlook magazine today..It carries this special edition on Delhi...
such a good feel this supplement mag has,as with the saturday edition of the MINT(the Wall Street Journal and HT collaboration) that I always get the feeling of being transported to the same place,event ,locales the papers are describing....
But the special thing propelling me to write today was the fact that The Delhi oUtlook supplement threw so much info about my own city that i was pleasantly surprised..fact and options in delhi about cheap food,cheap travel and even d\mention of this book shop where whether you buy a book or not,they serve you free Brownies,Masaala tea and Coffee!!isnt that something to rush out of your homes for,especially if you are a book lover OR brownie lover OR simply an experimentalist wanting to try out new things.
The next detail that iIsimply liked abt the write-ups is that the magazine,not only produced these amazing and catchy options(like organic food at Dilli Haat,awesome quawwalis at nizamuddin which are self explanatory about the locations but also provide the exact timings and address,phone numbers of the contact person!!unlikeother magazines and newespapers which would just leave you wondering about the places and festivals,these were very much accessible~!!
SO I am all excited and also wondering ..with dreams of BHARAT darshan and word tour have i given my adventure abilities even a chance to explore the so -mysterious and myriad delhi??maybe very soon...
so if anyone wants to catch a delhi tour or a play in our very own DILLI,you know who to contact..NO its not OUTLOOK magazine dear!!!
HAPPY DILLI-ING till the next post.......
It is so true for a city so old, a culture so old.. you can never ever know enough... always keep discovering new things... while the inventions keep going too :P
nice take on the immortality of a city... thank u outlook...
hey which is the bookshop where u get free brownies and coffee?? :P
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